My Visit to JD’s E-Space: Is It a Game Changer for Department Stores in China? (Tech Strategy – Podcast 10)

Jeff Towson, a specialist in digital strategy, discusses the game-changing potential of JD’s E-space in China’s department store industry. With his rich insights, unravel the complexities of the digital transformation in retail and understand its implications for businesses across the globe. Don’t miss this comprehensive exploration of a significant shift in the retail sector.

How Alibaba Singles’ Day Is Changing E-Commerce Everywhere

It’s Singles’ Day 2019! Woooohooooo!!! I am doing a little dance here in my hotel in Hangzhou. I look ridiculous. Singles’ Day launched at midnight last night and I was at the media center in Hangzhou for the opening (see above photo). And I spent yesterday with the Alibaba team getting a bit of a […]

Huawei Is Digging In for a Long-Fight. And They Are Probably Going to Win. (pt 4 of 4)

Ok. My last take-away from my visit to Huawei HQ. Thanks if you’ve hung in this long. Take-Away #5: Huawei Is Digging In for a Long-Fight. And They Are Probably Going to Win. Chairman Liang Hua ended the press conference by saying they are both “fighting for survival” and “seeking growth”. That is a pretty […]

The Real Impact of the Huawei Export Ban Is Still On the Way (pt 3 of 4)

This Part 3 of my take-aways from my visit to Huawei HQ in Shenzhen. I got to talk with management and tour some facilities. But the key event was the press conference where Huawei released their post-US export ban financials. First, this was a pretty cool press conference. They put out their half year revenue […]

Post US Export Ban, Huawei is Going For Tech Leadership (pt 2 of 4)

This is Part 2 of my take-aways from my visit to Huawei headquarters. You can find Part 1 here. I’ll be releasing more in-depth articles shortly. One of the cooler parts of Huawei is the “European town” campus they have built in Dongguan. A $1.5B campus based on multiple European towns. There is Verona. There […]

Huawei Going “Battle Mode” Is Bad News For Ericsson. Take-Aways from My Visit to Huawei HQ (pt 1 of 4)

I had a pretty great trip to the Huawei headquarters for their half year earnings’ release. Fascinating discussions with management. Some touring of the facilities. And I even got a good seat at the big press conference. FYI. Here’s what the back of Chairman Liang Hua’s head looks like. I’ve got 5-6 articles coming out […]

From Didi to Mobike to Luckin: How Money and Hype Are Distorting Digital China

Digital China has arrived. It has unicorns, huge market opportunities and a pervasive cultural impact. Everything is now at world-class scale. Unfortunately, the distorting impact of hot money and hype has also scaled up. And this appears to be increasing. But first…consider joining my executive education course Jeff’s Asia Tech Class for deeper insights into […]