3 Steps to Supercharge Your Business and Career with Generative AI (Tech Strategy – Podcast 165)

In Jeff Towson’s latest podcast, he elucidates how generative AI can be the key to supercharging your business and career. He provides three practical steps: developing staff and skills in Gen AI, using AI to enhance internal productivity, and employing it to improve products, services, and the overall customer experience. This episode is a must-listen for professionals aiming to harness the potential of AI in their fields.

My Valuation for Microsoft (Tech Strategy – Podcast 148)

Delve into Jeff Towson’s Podcast 148, where he provides a comprehensive valuation for Microsoft and its tech strategy. This episode offers expert insights into the tech giant’s future, making it a must-listen for tech enthusiasts and investors alike. Tune in to understand Microsoft’s position in the market and potential growth opportunities.

Microsoft’s Azure Strategy Is “Two Platforms Plus Infrastructure” (1 of 2) (Tech Strategy – Daily Article)

Microsoft’s Azure strategy is to provide infrastructure and two platforms: Azure App Service and Azure Functions. Azure App Service is a fully managed platform that makes it easy to deploy and scale web applications. Azure Functions is a serverless platform that makes it easy to run code in response to events. These platforms can be used to build scalable and reliable cloud applications.