JD Goes International in Increasingly Smart Logistics. (4 of 4) (Tech Strategy – Daily Article)

JD.com is one of China’s leading e-commerce platforms, but it also has ambitious plans to grow beyond its home market. In this article, Jeff Towson explores how JD is using its smart logistics network to enter and succeed in new regions, such as Southeast Asia, Europe, and Latin America. He also discusses the challenges and opportunities that JD faces in its global journey.

6 Things I Learned Working as a JD Delivery Guy

In a small JD delivery station in west Beijing, I observed the bustling activity of delivery drivers and staff. Surprisingly, grocery delivery didn’t seem to pose a significant challenge. Specialized boxes kept food items fresh during rapid delivery, highlighting JD’s efficiency. Appearance matters too—JD’s well-dressed delivery team and sleek karts make a powerful marketing statement on the streets. The point of delivery remains a critical efficiency puzzle in the last mile.

JD’s Big Play for Low Cost China (Tech Strategy – Podcast 177)

In this episode of the Tech Strategy Podcast, Jeff Towson discusses JD.com’s big play for the low-cost market of China. He provides insights into the implications of this move and how it fits into JD’s overall strategy. Towson’s analysis sheds light on the competitive landscape of the Chinese e-commerce market and the challenges and opportunities facing JD.com.

JD’s 20 Year Anniversary and Plan. Plus, Important Past Strategic Moves. (1 of 4) (Tech Strategy – Daily Article)

JD.com, one of China’s largest e-commerce companies, has a 20-year plan that guides its strategic decisions and investments. In this Tech Strategy Daily article, Jeff Towson explores JD’s long-term vision and how it has influenced the company’s growth.
Towson also discusses some of JD’s important past strategic moves, such as its decision to focus on logistics and its investment in drones. These moves have helped JD differentiate itself from competitors and build a strong foundation for future growth.
This article is the first in a three-part series on JD’s tech strategy and provides valuable insights for anyone interested in understanding the company’s long-term vision and strategic direction.

4 Insights from the Head of JD Smart Logistics Park (Tech Strategy – Podcast 166)

In this episode of the Tech Strategy Podcast, Jeff Towson shares insights from his conversation with the head of JD Smart Logistics Park. The discussion revolves around how JD Logistics, a part of JD, is building an advanced automated IoT logistics network, seen as one of the critical developments in the digital sphere. The podcast also touches on upcoming opportunities like the China Tech Tour, offering a deep dive into some of the best companies in Asia, including JD Logistics and others in e-commerce, media, and entertainment​.

4 Things I Learned from the Head of JD Smart Logistics Park (1 of 2) (Tech Strategy – Daily Article)

This article uncovers the transformation of logistics through the lens of JD Smart Logistics Park. It highlights how automation and digitization are replacing repetitive labor, leading to increased efficiency and generating valuable data for insights. The discussion provides a deep dive into the future of logistics, showcasing JD’s pioneering role in creating an integrated, automated, and intelligent logistics network

3 Simple Rules for Digital Transformation and Disruption (Tech Strategy – Daily Article)

Digital transformation is about using technology to change the way businesses operate and interact with customers. To succeed, companies need to focus on innovation, customer experience, and data-driven decision-making. By following these three rules, companies can position themselves for success.