Dingdong, Grab and the Struggle for Profits in Ecommerce Services (Tech Strategy – Podcast 156)

In this comprehensive analysis, Jeff Towson delves into the ongoing struggle for profitability faced by leading eCommerce companies such as Grab, Dingdong, Meituan, Didi, GoJek, and iFood. Highlighting recent business model shifts, he discusses the newfound strategies these companies have adopted to strive for profitability. A major focus is placed on the crucial concept of geographic density, underlining its role as a significant type of economies of scale in the eCommerce industry.

Dingdong, Grab and the Struggle for Profits in Ecommerce Services (Tech Strategy – Podcast 156)

In this comprehensive analysis, Jeff Towson delves into the ongoing struggle for profitability faced by leading eCommerce companies such as Grab, Dingdong, Meituan, Didi, GoJek, and iFood. Highlighting recent business model shifts, he discusses the newfound strategies these companies have adopted to strive for profitability. A major focus is placed on the crucial concept of geographic density, underlining its role as a significant type of economies of scale in the eCommerce industry.

How Alibaba Freshippo and Dingdong Got to Profitability in Ecommerce Groceries (1 of 2) (Tech Strategy – Daily Article)

Alibaba’s Freshippo and Dingdong are two of the leading ecommerce grocery companies in China. They have achieved profitability by reducing costs and improving margins. Some of the strategies they have used include:

Opening physical stores that serve as fulfillment centers for online orders
Using data analytics to optimize inventory levels and pricing
Offering same-day delivery
The strategies that Freshippo and Dingdong have used can be applied to other ecommerce grocery markets around the world.

Can Dingdong Win in Groceries and Specialty Ecommerce? (Tech Strategy – Podcast 90)

Dingdong is a Chinese specialty ecommerce player focused on fresh groceries. It has gone public while still operating profit negative, but brings to mind a similar situation with Meituan at IPO. Jeffrey Towson argues that Dingdong’s success will depend on its ability to build a strong logistics network and scale its operations.

Dingdong vs. Oriental Trading: How to Spot the Specialty Ecommerce Winners (1 of 2) (Tech Strategy – Daily Article)

Softbank-backed Dingdong and Tencent-backed Missfresh have both gone public, to minimal investor enthusiasm. Both companies were launched: To solve the difficulties of selling perishable and difficult to transport groceries online. To tackle some of the pain points for both Chinese families and farmers. To capture a massive opportunity. And to get to operating profitability. They […]