
顺丰快递、圆通快递和其他中国快递公司竞相上市,随着利润的不断萎缩以及竞争威胁的加大,成为“中国的联邦快递”的梦想正迅速转变为资本和功能方面的军备竞赛。 本文介绍了我对这种加速竞争背后的逻辑以及2016年的发展形势的看法,不过首先我要介绍两个背景知识。

3 Options for Bringing Private Health Insurance to China (Part 2 of 2)

In Part 1 (located here), I argued that there is a growing supply-demand gap at the center of Chinese healthcare. And that private health insurance is likely the lynchpin in solving this problem. In this article, I lay out three models for launching reimbursement-style private health insurance in China. All three have worked in other […]

Winning and Losing in Bike-Sharing Is Ultimately About Utilization (Pt 4 of 4)

This the fourth and final article on “assets in the wild” as a powerful new economic engine, most visibly manifested in bike-sharing in China. My basic argument in Part 1, 2, and 3 is that the meteoric rise of Mobike, Ofo and other bike-sharing companies is because of their pioneering use of assets that can […]


目前,百威英博正在进行对SAB米勒1,040亿美元的巨额收购。为此,他们商定出售雪花啤酒49%的股份。这是为获得中国监管机构批准的先发制人的做法。如此一来,准国企华润雪花啤酒就将彻底变为(华润创业所有的)国有企业。 这实在令人扼腕叹息。

How Bike-Sharing Grows So Fast. And For Free (Pt 2 of 4)

From the beginning of the China bike-sharing phenomenon, I have been struck by how pervasive these companies have become so quickly. Just think of how often you are presented with an image of a Mobike or Ofo bike in China on a daily basis. You see these brightly colored bikes literally thousands of times every […]


我认为我们目前正处于中国共享单车/单车出租热潮第一阶段的尾声。 现在的共享单车行业有几个比较明显的行业领导者—-摩拜和Ofo. 大量的中国消费者每天都会使用共享单车,且仍呈快速增长之势,这绝对不是一时的消费热潮。 企业的经济前景愈加清晰。租金收入依然会是其主要部分,未来广告收入也会是其中的一部分。例如,有一些ofo自行车上已经投放小黄人广告(如下图)。也许未来它们还会涉足快递和电子商务产业,并获取相应收入。 最后,《摩拜白皮书》(Mobike White Paper)公布出来的数字也很有趣。2017年的(Mary Meeker / Hillhouse report)也非常看好这一行业。

For the Record, Uber Didn’t Lose in China.

Uber’s sale of its China business to local rival Didi Chuxing is often referred to as a surrender. I think the numbers speak for themselves. Uber invested 18 months and about $2 billion in China. They walked away with 17% of DidiChuxing, and therefore 17% of the world’s largest on-demand transportation market. This equity stake […]


中国消费者的规模和财富持续稳步扩大。有关这一经济趋势的研究已很详尽。但人们经常忽略的一点是,这些消费者不断改变的行为正在经常性地影响着整个世界。 突然间,中国消费者心意的转变开始左右全球经济走势。未来几年,这种现象将日益引人瞩目。

Starbucks Doesn’t Have A Serious Competitor in China. It’s Weird.

Uber spent $2B fighting with Chinese DidiChuxing. Adidas has been fighting Chinese Li-Ning and Anta for decades. And Apple is now struggling against multiple rising Chinese competitors,(Xiaomi, Huawei, Oppo, etc.). One thing you can always count on in China: A successful international company will inspire serious domestic competitors. So why doesn’t Starbucks have a serious […]