
之前,我探讨了嘉士伯和达能如何在中国遭遇最初的失败,以及嘉士伯如何卷土重来大获成功。这也证明在中国,一时的失败不一定是永久的。 本文将用另外两个例子说明“败走中国后应该做什么”。这次是关于汽车企业的。我认为,福特在中国的发展故事相当具有启发性。但是,首先让我们将目光投向菲亚特,它的经历更具警示作用。

Yes, Chinese Consumer Are Rising. But They Are Changing Even Faster.

*The following is an excerpt from our new One Hour China Contrarian Book (which is available here.). “Jonathan Woetzel (McKinsey & Co) and I have written three speed-read China books together. In the latest one, we have put together a collection of our essays that basically make four main contrarian points. These main points are: […]

The Awesome But Mostly Unknown Story of Carlsberg Beer in China (Pt 1 of 2)

*The following is an excerpt from our One Hour China Consumer Book (which is available here.). “This story starts in 1999 and it centers around a Hong Kong native and long-time Carlsberg employee named Sunny Wong. Sunny joined Carlsberg as a sales manager in Hong Kong in 1987. He rose through the ranks and eventually […]





How Yao Ming Launched the NBA China Into the Stratosphere (Pt 2 of 3)

This is Part 2 in a three part series on the awesome success of David Stern and the NBA in China. Part 1 is here. “You can make an analogy between Chinese watching basketball in the 1990’s and Americans watching The Ed Sullivan Show in the 1960’s. Americans weren’t watching because Ed Sullivan was particularly […]


在上篇文章中,我总结了摩拜北京总部之行以及与创始人胡玮炜的会面。在进行了游览并提问了大约两三个小时后,行程结束。现在想来,此次行程真的很精彩。 这里我想跟大家分享下我从摩拜及共享单车中学到的5件事情。


在7月下旬,我访问了摩拜北京总部—在那里,我与摩拜创始人胡玮炜及其国际扩张部副总裁克里斯·马汀(Chris Martin)进行了一次精彩的对话。这次摩拜之行相当精彩,离开的时候,我也更明白为何这家公司能发展如此迅速,仿佛坐了火箭一般。我打算就此次北京之行,撰写三篇有关共享单车行业的文章。不过,这篇文章主要是对我此次总部之行的一个总结,以及我从此次摩拜之行中学到的5件事情。