How the Gates Foundation Vaccinated 580M People – Jane Xing, Gates Foundation, China (Video)

Jane Xing is the Deputy Director of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, China office. She has a fascinating view into the foundation’s activities in China, Asia, Africa and other places. Jane gave a great lecture to our students at Peking University Guanghua School of Management. This course is taught by myself and Jonathan Woetzel, […]

Financial Innovation Can Make Markets Work for the Poor – Jane Xing, Gates Foundation, China (Video)

Jane Xing is the Deputy Director of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, China office. She has a fascinating view into the foundation’s activities in China, Asia, Africa and other places. Jane gave a great lecture to our students at Peking University Guanghua School of Management. This course is taught by myself and Jonathan Woetzel, […]

“Innovation at the Bottom of the Pyramid” – Jane Xing, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, China office.

Jane Xing is the Deputy Director of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, China office. She has a fascinating view into the foundation’s activities in China, Asia, Africa and other places. Jonathan Woetzel, my co-professor for this course and these videos, sat down with Jane and asked her about “innovation at the bottom of the […]


在第一部分中,我论证了中国医疗保健行业的中心供求缺口正日益扩大这个问题。而私人医疗保险或许是解决这个问题的关键。 在本文中,我将展示在中国设立真正的私人医疗保险的三种模型。这些模型均已在其他地方实行,而且只需要在监管方面进行渐进式的改革。



Why Chinese Families Are Flooding Into Foreign IVF & Fertility Services: An Interview with SCRC.

Medical tourism from China is surging. According to Ctrip (via a recent Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business report), there were over 500,000 outbound medical tourism trips from China in 2016, a 5x increase from 2015. And the average spending per trip was a stunning 50,000 RMB, more than 10x typical Chinese tourist spending. The […]

3 Options for Bringing Private Health Insurance to China (Part 2 of 2)

In Part 1 (located here), I argued that there is a growing supply-demand gap at the center of Chinese healthcare. And that private health insurance is likely the lynchpin in solving this problem. In this article, I lay out three models for launching reimbursement-style private health insurance in China. All three have worked in other […]