The 5 Important Strategy Concepts of Web3 (Tech Strategy – Podcast 133)

Web3 is the next generation of the internet, built on blockchain technology. It has the potential to revolutionize many industries, including finance, healthcare, and education. In this article, Jeff Towson discusses five important concepts that businesses need to understand in order to succeed in Web3.

Web3 Companies Can Use Tokens and DAOs as Competitive Weapons in 3 Big Ways (Tech Strategy – Daily Article)

In Part 1, I did a quick summary of the strange mix of ideas that is “web 3.0”. Blockchain, a new technology paradigm. Decentralization, which moves control away from corporate and government authorities. And back to users and contributors. New forms of governance based more on consensus and community. But I haven’t really talked about the […]

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Coinbase and How Web3 Is Different (Tech Strategy – Podcast 117)

In this podcast, Jeffrey Towson discusses how web 3.0 companies like Coinbase are different from traditional web 2.0 companies. He argues that most successful web 3.0 companies are platform-protocol hybrids. Towson also discusses the future of web 3.0 and how it will impact the global economy.