Stone Is Building a Digital-Physical Hybrid for Payments in Brazil (3 of 3) (Asia Tech Strategy – Daily Lesson / Update)

In Part 2, I laid out the story of Stone Company, a Brazilian digital native that is building out payment, financial and enterprise services for SMEs. My basic take was: I like the company’s basic value proposition (payment plus working capital services) for smaller merchants, especially compared to what they get from local banks. I […]

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Look at Berkshire-Invested Stone Company Right Now (2 of 3)(Asia Tech Strategy – Daily Lesson / Update)

Stone Co is a Brazilian company that is attempting to build a payment and financial services suite for merchants in +5,000 cities. And they are targeting the country’s +8M small merchants, many of whom still operate in cash and do not get great services from traditional banks. That is a big, interesting and difficult idea. […]

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Tuya and Why Hierarchies of Control Matter in Enterprise (Pt 2 of 2)(Asia Tech Strategy – Daily Lesson / Update)

In Part 1, I made a distinction between the development of cloud and enterprise software. There is a sweeping new cloud architecture emerging at the same time almost every B2B enterprise software and service company is trying to become a platform or ecosystem. It’s pretty crazy. For enterprise software and services companies, the price of entry […]

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Part 2: Snowflake is Building 3 Complementary Platforms with 4 Network Effects (Pt 2 of 3) (Asia Tech Strategy – Daily Lesson / Update)

In Part 1, I laid out the basics for Snowflake, a “data ecosystem” or “data warehouse as a service” company. The company appears to have a complicated business model. But it’s actually not if you look at it the right way. Which is the point of this article. I have 7 initial conclusions about the […]

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