My favorite business books. Plus some fun stuff from around Kuala Lumpur and airplanes. Youtube link is here. Part 2 is here. Music is Longing by Joakim Karud ———
Category Archives: Writing
My Five Rules for Writing With Impact
I failed as a writer for a long time. Like for over 5 years. It sucked. I wrote articles, which nobody read. I got a book deal and published a big strategy book, which few people read. I submitted articles to FT and WSJ, which got rejected. I posted on my webpage and promoted on […]
My 5 Rules for Writing With Impact (Video)
Some thoughts on writing and publishing. Plus stuff around Italy. Glenn Leibowitz – ——- Music is: Nostalgia by Tobu Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0…
How I Failed as a Writer for 5 Years Before Becoming a LinkedIn Top Voice
Last month, I got the welcome news that I am one of LinkedIn’s Top Voices for 2017. And it was for Finance and Economy, which was especially gratifying as I had been struggling in that writing genre for over 5 years. Looking back, I would say it was really five years of different types of failure. Of trying […]
2015年5月22日,我在LinkedIn上发布了我的第一篇文章。我努力了一个多星期,然后终于成功“发布”。起初,一切都平淡无奇。 在接下来的几天里,我的文章获得了大约50-100次阅读。我的粉丝(即我的人脉)从500增加到了505人。总体来说,这是一个令人沮丧的开端。
How I Got +2M LinkedIn Followers in +2 Years
I posted my first article on LinkedIn on May 22, 2015. I labored over it for about a week and then finally hit “Publish”. And basically nothing happened. Over the next several days, it eventually got about 50-100 reads. My followers inched up from 500 (my connections) to like 505. It was a pretty frustrating beginning […]
How I Went From A Failed Writer to 2.9M LinkedIn Followers
I recently reached 2.9M followers on LinkedIn. And this is crazy. Because not that long ago, I was nowhere as a writer. For years, I had published books, written articles, and so on – but nothing had really worked. I was a failed writer, despite over five years of effort. Looking back, it is clear […]