Microsoft’s Azure Strategy Is “Two Platforms Plus Infrastructure” (1 of 2) (Tech Strategy – Daily Article)

Microsoft’s Azure strategy is to provide infrastructure and two platforms: Azure App Service and Azure Functions. Azure App Service is a fully managed platform that makes it easy to deploy and scale web applications. Azure Functions is a serverless platform that makes it easy to run code in response to events. These platforms can be used to build scalable and reliable cloud applications.

Snowflake, Tuya and the Fight for Dominant Design in Cloud (Tech Strategy – Podcast 106)

In this episode of the Tech Strategy podcast, Jeffrey Towson discusses the fight for dominant design in cloud computing with Snowflake and Tuya. Towson argues that Snowflake is building three complementary platforms with four network effects, while Tuya is building a platform for the Internet of Things (IoT). Towson believes that the winner of the cloud computing wars will be the company that can build the most comprehensive and integrated platform.

What Everyone is Getting Wrong About Snowflake (Tech Strategy – Podcast 105)

In this episode of the Tech Strategy podcast, Jeffrey Towson discusses what everyone is getting wrong about Snowflake. Towson argues that Snowflake is a “data ecosystem” company with a compelling digital business model. He believes that Snowflake could become the next Google or Microsoft. Towson also discusses the importance of data in the digital economy and how Snowflake is positioned to capitalize on this trend.

Part 2: Snowflake is Building 3 Complementary Platforms with 4 Network Effects (Pt 2 of 3) (Asia Tech Strategy – Daily Lesson / Update)

In Part 1, I laid out the basics for Snowflake, a “data ecosystem” or “data warehouse as a service” company. The company appears to have a complicated business model. But it’s actually not if you look at it the right way. Which is the point of this article. I have 7 initial conclusions about the […]

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