This week’s podcast is about more about generative Ai as a disruptive technology and business model. My argument is it is going to disrupt many dominant platform business models – like YouTube and TikTok.
You can listen to this podcast here, which has the slides and graphics mentioned. Also available at iTunes and Google Podcasts.
Here is the mentioned AI company HeyGen (previously called
Here is the link to the China Tech Tour.
Related articles:
- The Winners and Losers in ChatGPT (Tech Strategy – Daily Article)
- Why ChatGPT and Generative AI Are a Mortal Threat to Disney, Netflix and Most Hollywood Studios (Tech Strategy – Podcast 150)
From the Concept Library, concepts for this article are:
- Generative AI
- AI-Powered Service Business Model
From the Company Library, companies for this article are:
- Midjourney
- OpenAI / ChatGPT
- YouTube
- TikTok
Photo by Szabo Viktor on Unsplash
———–Transcription Below
Welcome, welcome everybody. My name is Jeff Towson and this is the Tech Strategy Podcast where we analyze the best digital businesses of the US, China and Asia. And the topic for today, how generative AI is going to disrupt YouTube, TikTok and probably xx. And this is really my third pass at Generative AI, Chat GPT, Dali, Stable Diffusion, Midgern, all the, I mean this wave of companies that’s coming out. And I’ve been trying to figure out how this is gonna impact existing incumbent businesses, everything from Netflix, Hollywood, journalists, book authors, and even YouTube and TikTok. And this is kind of my third pass at this. And I keep updating my thinking. And I’m basically, I’m now at the point where I think, yeah, I think it’s gonna hit the major platforms as well, like YouTube, like TikTok, most of these. So I’ll sort of lay out my thinking and how I got there, but that’s kind of my prediction. As of right now, I think these companies are in trouble. I think a lot of the dominant platform business models we’re so used to, I think they’re gonna get disrupted. And I think TikTok and YouTube are definitely on the list. So that’ll be kind of the topic for today. So let me just sort of jump right into the content after the standard disclaimer, nothing in this podcast or in my writing or website is investment advice. The numbers and information for me and any guests may be incorrect. The views and opinions expressed may no longer be relevant or accurate. Overall, investing is risky. This is not investment, legal or tax advice. Do your own research. And let me get into the content. So there’s only really one concept for today, which is, you know, just generative AI. But I’m starting to break, generative AI is a technology. It’s algorithms, it’s data, it’s people. You need all of those things to do this sort of capability. Okay, the concept I’m starting more and more to think about is generative AI as a business model, as a service. Could be generative AI in the sense that you’re generating content. It could also be intelligent AI. where we move beyond content creation to other types of it. I’m starting to put all of these into the bucket of, this looks to me like a new service business. This looks to me like it’s a linear business model, not unlike traditional pipelines and things, but AI powered services looks to me like an entirely new business model. That’s kind of how I’m starting to think about this. So that’s sort of the concept for today. and that’ll go in the concept library on the web page. But I’m really starting to build this out. Okay, so under that, let me sort of reiterate for those of you who aren’t familiar with the last podcast or whatever. I really did sort of an article first and then I did a podcast. The article went to subscribers, the podcast was for everybody. But obviously trying to predict the impact of generative A on existing business models and to come up with winners and losers. So I’ve published sort of two lists of winners and losers. And the first one was really based on chat GPT, which is generative AI, but it’s text, right? That’s the content creation that’s happening. It’s all about text, which is a pretty long list of stuff. It’s articles, it’s poems, it’s dialogue, it’s plot scripts, it’s marketing sales pitches. And that would be sort of content that you would publish or… you know, send out, but there’s also content, text-based content that could be used functionally like writing code. So programmers, things like that. Internal business reports, the content that goes up on Wikipedia. Content written content, text-based content is everywhere. Okay. So I put out an article called the winners and losers in chat gbt. I’ll put the link in the show notes. That’s only for subscribers though. But my argument was pretty clear, which was high quality writing and other text based content creation is just going to become widespread. Everybody can do it now. High quality. Not, not. schlocky little articles. Everyone’s going to be able to write novels and articles and news stories and all of it. So it’s going to be totally democratized at a very high level. Oh, and by the way, the price, the cost is going to drop to almost nothing. That’s a big major disruption. Out of that you can kind of come up with a list of winners and losers. Programmers are going to be big winners. because they’re going to become much more productive. And it turns out it’s pretty hard to copy with. Regular folks who don’t know programming aren’t going to start generating code that goes into organizations, right? So for them, it’s just a big win. They’re going to become much more productive. Consumers of written content, people who read books, people who read articles, people who read news, the world’s going to get better and better, because content’s going to be everywhere. If you like short stories in romance, there’s gonna be a gazillion of these things coming out every week now, because anyone can create them. That’s a winner. Amateur writers are gonna win big in the short term. Basically, anyone who, if you wanna write science fiction novels, you can do it right now. Just go on Chad GPT and start writing. Now, that didn’t necessarily take a lot of time. to do in the past. The problem, the reason why some people would write science fiction and most people wouldn’t was because you had to certain level of ability. Well chat GPT is going to give you the ability to write at a high level now. And even if you had the creativity but not the ability, you didn’t have the time. And it cost money and it took time and effort. Well it wipes that out too. You can become a science fiction writer today. It’ll take you three to four hours. It won’t cost you anything. You’re good to go. So for amateur writers, this is unbelievable. In the short term, in the long term, it’s gonna be basically a power law. If you wanna be a successful science fiction writer, 1% of people are gonna be successful, 99% aren’t gonna get any attention because there’s gozillion science fiction writers now. which is the same scenario. If you want to write about the news, if you want to be a blogger, you can do it, but so are hundreds, tons of people. So winning is very, very hard now, but you can do it. So in the short term, amateur writers, content creators are gonna do great. In the long term, the power law is gonna pay layout, not gonna be a good business. And so things like publishing houses, they’re in deep, deep trouble, which book publishers have always been in trouble. Newsweek has been in trouble for a long time. Time magazine has been in trouble. That’s all the same thing. Okay, the biggest loser, professional writers, and you could put me in this can in this bucket. A lot of people, you know, if you were trying to make your money doing this as an individual or a company, well, you’re now competing with the Probably, and the big winner I sort of pointed to was Facebook, Twitter, Amazon publishing. Because all of this on first pass analysis, which I think is now wrong, it helps them because the supply, they’re a platform business model. There’s supply of content, there’s consumption of content. Well, the supply goes through the roof. So being the intermediary that connects the sea of supply with readers, you’re in a better position. That was my original thinking. I think that’s probably now wrong. Okay. Then I did a podcast about a week later and I basically took the same thinking and applied it to other types of generative AI that is not about text. So that’s making photos, that’s making design, that’s making pictures, that’s making videos, that’s making voice. And there’s a lot, I mean there is just an explosion of companies out there right now doing all of this. Open AI, chat GPT, okay, that’s kind of the mothership, but Dali, stable diffusion, mid-journey, you can go on there and start typing in prompts and you will get unbelievable artwork back. If you wanna be a painter, you can do that today. If you wanna be a designer, you can do it today. If you wanna make animated characters like Mickey Mouse and Iron Man, you can create. hundreds of those in an hour and they look fantastic. If you wanna take those characters and write dialogue for them, well, chat GPT will write the dialogue, you feed the dialogue into, I think it’s Ava and some of those, they will create the voice. And so suddenly it’s a speaking voice of your new Iron Man character. You combine that with the JPEG that was just created by Mid Journey. You can now make videos. avatars of that character speaking the dialogue. It’s an animated movie now. And you can go beyond animated stuff, cartoons. You can go to people. I can take a photo of myself right now, put it into a website, take this podcast. I can transcribe this podcast with Otter. I can take that written text, put it into the avatar of myself, and it will then create a video of me speaking this dialogue. but maybe this dialogue is too long. So I put the whole dialogue for this podcast into chat GPT and I say write me a one to two minute monologue with the top three points from this podcast. It’ll generate the text. I put that in, it creates the voice, it combines it with the JPEG. I’ve got a two minute video of myself speaking. I can do all of that 10 minutes, let’s say 20 minutes. And I’ve tried it, it totally works. The video quality of humans, is not quite there yet, but if you want to generate photos of real people, you really can’t tell that they’re not real anymore. And the videos are getting there real fast. So that’s kind of where we’re going when we go from text-based content creation to music. And you can do the same thing with music. Write me a pop song that’s four minutes long in the style of NSYNC about this. It can do all of that too. And it’s… pretty good. It’s got drums, it’s got background voices, it’s got, you know, it’s pretty good. So that’s all really close. Anyways, that’s kind of where I was and I basically identified five winners in generative AI, beyond text and three, two to three losers. The winners, niche content creators, that’s hard to replicate. Sports. You really can’t do any of this if you’re watching football, soccer, baseball, game shows, reality, people-based content like say TV shows. It’s actually there’s niches that aren’t hit, but if you’re in let’s say animated cartoons, you’re at ground zero, everyone’s going to be able to make an animated TV show very quickly. If you want to make South Park, you can make South Park right now. The other models I liked, I said content production tied to services or community. I’ve talked about that before, I’m not gonna go through it. If you are in the business of creating the tools, not the content, Adobe, ChatGPT, Mid Journey, Dolly, well those people are gonna do fantastic because everyone in the world’s gonna make their tools, use their tools, right? But then the other one I pointed to was audience builder platforms, YouTube, TikTok. I think I’m probably wrong about this now. Now, that’ll be the point of today’s podcast, but that was my winners. And then the likely losers, anyone who’s generating video or music-based content, which is usually not an individual, it’s usually a company. It’s Netflix, it’s Disney, it’s music artists. It’s pretty much everything in Hollywood where they are in the content production business, and their primary advantage is scale. We have a full movie studio with big sets and cameras. Well, that scale advantage is going away. So if you’re gonna be in the content creation business, which is really not a good business to be in, by the way, you’ve gotta have some degree of customer capture. You can’t have motes and competitive advantages on the production side. You need to have locked in customers on the demand side because everyone’s gonna be able to do it. Okay, so that’s kind of where I was. Now, let me sort of, here’s why I think these companies like YouTube, TikTok, xx is a funny example. Let me give you sort of why I think they’re in trouble as well. All right, now for the last several years if you’ve been listening to this, I’ve basically been saying the same like platforms versus pipelines, right? Said it over and over. Now it turns out that’s actually a spectrum. I’ve actually sort of outlined about nine different, what I call digital business models, that are some degree of a pipeline, a traditional product or service business, where you create value through sort of a production process, like a factory, or a consulting firm or whatever, versus a platform or ecosystem where the value is created not by sort of a pipeline-like production process, but where the value is created by enabling interactions. which would be something like Facebook or Twitter. It’s all about interactions. So there’s sort of two ways to create value. And then you can sort of make a spectrum of nine or 10 different business models that really do both of those. And a lot of companies do do that. Like Starbucks, okay, they’re a pipeline. They don’t enable interactions. They just create a product and they deliver it. The other extreme would be something like Facebook, which is all about the interactions, but there’s a lot of stuff in between where you’ve got a smart refrigerator, so that’s a product, but it’s also enabling connections with your phone, and it’s a lot of mix and match of these two sort of ways to create value for a customer. And my standard analogy has been that for the last 10 years, digital platforms have been like the super predator, like the super dinosaur. that breaks out and runs around the island and eats everything and it was sort of the strongest business model out there. Okay. And in a lot of cases, it’s stronger than pipelines, although now we’re sort of seeing a mix. But generally speaking, like one example you could think about is Netflix versus YouTube. Netflix is in the content production business. They… You know, they build the content internally, they do their own production, but they also purchase and license contract, kinda like a retailer. But that’s what they do. And then they try and do it at as much scale as possible. So they have more videos than anyone. They have a low price because they use their size to get better deals. And then the offering to a customer is, we have 10 or 11,000 different types of TV shows and movies. You get it for five, $10 a month. That’s their pitch and it’s super convenient. YouTube has a stronger pitch, which is we don’t have 10,000 types of videos. We have hundreds of millions of types and it’s free because they are not in the content production business. They are in the content connection business. They connect people who make content with people who watch content and they scale dramatically. They monetize through advertising mostly. But that model, that platform versus pipeline is such a more powerful business model that Netflix really can’t compete with that. And that’s sort of been my mantra for a couple years. I’m coming to the idea that generative AI, which is a service business, which is a pipeline, is more powerful than digital platforms. I think it’s a new dinosaur showed up on the island. and it’s stronger than what we’ve seen before. That’s kind of where my thinking is, and I’ll tell you how I sort of got there. So let me give you an example, which is a simpler one, which is Uber, we could say DD, we could say Lyft, we could say Grab, verse, which is a digital platform marketplace versus a robo taxi. And a robo taxi is, you know, it’s an AI powered, car, two-seater, that just goes around the neighborhood by itself. There’s no driver. And you know, we’re basically, these are being deployed in China right now, slowly tested. But basically it’s the idea that in a couple years, if you’re in a town, you’re going to have tens of thousands of these robot taxis just sort of cruising around the neighborhood. And if you need a ride anywhere, you pick up your phone, you call one. you get in, you bill, and it takes you somewhere, and you get out, and it just sort of goes on its own. And it’s dramatically cheaper, because the biggest cost in Uber is the human driver. So you get rid of the labor costs. It also turns out these aren’t regular cars that are very complicated with a lot of maintenance and insurance costs. Turns out these are simple little carts that don’t have nearly the maintenance costs. They don’t have the insurance, they’re just cheaper. And by the way, they’re always available 24 seven because they’re always on the road. Okay. Compare that AI powered service versus Uber’s digital platform, which is a marketplace. What does Uber do? It enables connections between drivers, people who have their own cars and people looking for cars. And it is in the matching business. And Uber was very effective as a digital platform, a marketplace. when you compare them to taxis, traditional taxis. So that was sort of my standard argument. This platform is a lot more powerful than a traditional taxi service or a town car service, true. But the robo taxi looks like more powerful business model than Uber. And so an Uber knows this, so does Lyft, so does DD. So they know that their core business model, the digital platform is gonna get disrupted because soon a lot of this ride stuff is not gonna have humans involved. And so we don’t need a platform business model. It’s just an AI powered digital service. That’s where we’re going. Okay, well let’s take that a little bit further. Instead of just doing a simple. AI, which is autonomous vehicles, are relatively simple in terms of what it’s doing. It’s hard to do it, but it’s relatively simple. Let’s take it to the next level of something like ChatGBT. Now ChatGBT, you could call it generative AI. Some people are calling it intelligence AI, that they are basically providing a type of intelligence. that usually we only see in humans, but they’re doing it very, very cheaply. And that could be a threat to, let’s say, Google search. If I want to know an answer to the question… What was James Maxwell’s most important paper? Like I study, I really, like whenever I travel, like I don’t usually go and see the famous sites that very much, not that I always, but I always look for famous physicists because like that was kind of my original background. So James Maxwell of Scotland, and I like I go to see his burial site and stuff like that. Okay, so you would look up someone like him. Google search would give you an answer to that question, which would be a series of links. But ChatGPT doesn’t do that. ChatGPT gives me an answer to the question. It would write me a couple paragraphs answering my question. Google Search is a platform business model. I usually call it a learning platform. It’s actually kind of complicated. I don’t have a great description for it. But ChatGPT is clearly, when it’s functioning this way, it is not functioning as a platform. Sometimes it does when people build on it. In this case, it’s just operating as a service, just like RoboTaxis are an AI-powered service. This is ChatGBT operating as an AI-powered service. Here’s the answer to your question. No platform business model needed. And it turns out it’s pretty good. Now, is it a replacement? No. And a company you can go take a look at is called Neva. N-E-E-V-A. They are basically kind of a search engine. I use this now instead of Google. And when you type in any question, it gives you two things. It gives you a chat GBT like answer at the top, a large language model. And then below that, it gives you a bunch of links like Google. It basically gives you both. And why is that better? It’s better because It’s not just a generative AI powered service. Here’s the answer to your question. It’s personalized. It’s personalized over the long term. When I ask another question, what do you think Einstein used out of James Clerk Maxwell’s theory to do relativity? It knows I have already answered these, that ask a question like this. The answer it gives me can build on what it’s told me before. It’s refining not just its search results, here’s five links, it’s refining, it’s almost like I’m starting to have a conversation with this program about things I’m interested in, and it remembers everything we’ve ever talked about for years. Now think about how that service is gonna improve for me over time in a way that Google search results do not. I think in many use cases, not all, That is a superior business model, the same way robotaxis are superior to Uber. Not for everything, but for a lot of things. For those of you who’ve seen this movie, she or is it she or her? What’s the movie where Joaquin Phoenix falls in love with his operating system? But it basically becomes an ongoing relationship. Anyways, check out Neva. It’s pretty cool. All right, so then that gets me to the so what of today. which is YouTube, TikTok, and xxx. Let’s take that same idea. An AI-powered service is superior to a digital platform in some cases. And it was really, let me give credit where credit is due here, I had a little interaction with I’ll put the link in there, but they’re a generative AI. service that creates avatars the example I gave you which is look I can put in text and a photo of myself and Movio will create an avatar not a cartoon avatar It looks like me and it will start to speak the text and I can create videos of myself doing one-minute blog That’s movio Movio dot la I think it’s dot la or you pronounce it dot lot. I don’t know. I’ll put the link there I won’t mention names because I wasn’t gave a permission, but I was sort of chatting with someone there and had a point that really sort of shocked me, which was, you know, I was talking about YouTube. I love YouTube, I think it’s great. This massive library of content with lots of long tail niche, anything you want to look up on YouTube, you can find. You know, and the point that was sort of made to me was how does that compare as a service in terms of entertainment, learning, education, whatever I’m using YouTube for. How does that compare with an AI, generative AI service that creates in real time whatever content I wanna see? So instead of me going into a massive database of videos created by other humans or increasingly other AI systems and YouTube is basically matching me with what I wanna see or search for. What if the AI is creating the content for me in real time? Just like chat GPT can answer my question about James Maxwell in real time. What if it can create stories for me in real time? I really like Jack Reacher. Like I read all of these books, but there’s not that many of them. What if a generative AI every single day can create for me another Jack Reacher novel? because it knows I like them and it knows what I liked about the others. And it’s just text. It’s just text based content. What if it could create a new Star Wars short story for me every single day that is not just about Star Wars because I can feed in all the Star Wars books as inputs and then I add a prompt but personalized to Jeff and what I’ve seen before because it knows everyone I’ve read before. Is that better as a entertainment service? than something like YouTube. Or let’s say in this case, Amazon, because it’s books. Now let’s say it’s not just creating content that’s text. What if it’s creating videos? What if it’s created animated TV shows? What if I say, I really like Avengers cartoons. Please make me a 30 minute Avengers cartoon where they fight Ultron and it has a dark ending. And it creates it for me immediately and I can watch it. Is that a superior service to something like YouTube? Now, YouTube has a lot of long videos, some of them are like an hour or whatever, but TikTok, everything’s like 20 seconds, one minute. Generative AI is very good at creating one to two minute videos right now. So which service is better? The digital platform? Which business model is stronger? The digital platform or the real time, personalized generative AI? service for entertainment or for education or for travel. Let’s say I’m traveling and I want to go to Malaysia again. So what do I do? I go on YouTube and I look at lots and lots of videos of travel vloggers who have gone around town and I look at what they did and that’s kind of fun. You can go on chat GPT right now and say suggest for me a five-day itinerary for Kuala Lumpur and it will create a great one. What if I can go on to a video generative AI service and I say, create for me a video of my ideal vacation in Kuala Lumpur for five days, and it will pull in all the content from around the web, plus it knows that I like to sit and write books, and I like certain things that I don’t want, and it will create the video for me right there. Isn’t that a better service in a lot of cases? And I’m coming to the conclusion. that yeah, I think it is. I think that business model is gonna make a lot of these digital platforms obsolete. Not in all cases, but a lot. Animated movies, videos on YouTube, TikTok for short. And then it brings me to kind of my last example, which is so strange and unusual. I don’t even know what to think about it. In the last… four to five days there have been photos floating around about companies that create photos, generative AI, right? Make me a photo of a new Spider-Man, not a cartoon. Make it look like a real person, and it can do it, and it looks like a real person. But people have been creating JPEGs of basically xxx models, where… You know, and you can go online, I’m not gonna share these, but you can go online and people are showing them around. They’re not naked or anything, they’re bikini pictures. I assume they’re guy ones too, but I’ve just seen the girl ones. And they’re very, very attractive women who look like everything you would see on xxx or pretty much on TikTok too. It looks the exact same. And it was all AI created. And people are making videos. using this the photos are already realistic you can’t tell the difference and the same example i just gave you like if you want to watch uh women in bikinis on a beach or men you know working out whatever’s whatever’s you know your thing that you would find attractive it can feed basically all that content out there jpegs or short videos and start creating all of that stuff in the same personalized way. Which is strange to think about, and it is tremendous bad news for a whole legion of people who are doing this sort of stuff online right now. There is not a small number of people posting content on these various xxx. I mean, TikTok is a lot of this too. There’s a whole army of people doing this around the world. These people all might get unemployed. very, very quickly. Or if not unemployed, the price point for what they’re doing is gonna drop to zero. Like animated TV shows like South Park, you can make those on generative AI right now and they’re as good. Certain areas are just right in the epicenter of this and I think the xxx and the sort of tick tocky type, I think they are dead center, they’re gonna get hit. So I didn’t see that one coming, but someone sent me the link and I was like, okay, okay. So anyways, those digital platforms, the mechanism I’m looking for is basically reinforcement learning with human feedback. That’s the tech that’s enabling these services to do this stuff. So it’s a pipeline business model, but it’s got a technology at the which is basically reinforcement learning that requires human feedback. And that’s the stuff that can sort of create these flywheels where if you create good content, like if you’re GPT and you can create good text and you move quickly into the market, what happens is users start to use you because your service is good. That gets you more human feedback which makes your model better. That’s really what’s been happening with these first movers. What chat GPT did, they didn’t create a new tech that others didn’t have. Google had this tech, Facebook has this tech. What chat GPT did is they took this tech and they gave it to the masses, which is what chat GPT is. They gave it to everybody and they started to get all this human feedback. and then huge numbers of companies have been launched on this in the last month or two using this as their core technology. So this will bring, this is kind of my final point. What it looks like we’re seeing, so point number one was like, these digital platforms based on content, based on entertainment, based on learning, I think they’re gonna get disrupted. I’m pretty sure a lot of them are. I didn’t think that, now I’m pretty convinced they are. And I gave you a couple of examples. The other takeaway for today, we are seeing a Cambrian explosion in generative AI service apps right now. What ChatGBT, StableDiffusion, all of these companies have done, is it’s like when the iPhone launched, and everyone realized they could start to make mobile apps that would go in the app store. So everyone’s coming out of the woodwork creating apps for every crazy thing you can see for the iPhone back then. Now what everyone’s doing is they’re all creating these crazy apps that are all powered by things like GPT. So they’re using that as their core tech, but they’re creating all these crazy use cases. And it is just an explosion of stuff. And 90% of this unpredictable. I mean. You go back to 2008, we could never have predicted all the apps that were gonna be built on the iPhone. That’s what we’re seeing. But I think we’ll see TV ones, I think we’ll see learning ones, I think we’ll see TikTok ones, I think we’ll see xxx ones. I think that’s all coming really quick. And that’s kind of how I’m thinking about it. So my working theory right now, digital platforms as a business model typically beat pipelines. Pipelines that use bundling, like Netflix, are sort of in between. They’re not as good as YouTube, but they’re better than your typical Hollywood studio. So YouTube is more powerful than Netflix. Netflix, which is a digital bundle but still a pipeline, is more powerful than Paramount Studios. I’m thinking that personalized, generative AI is the new predator. It’s the new Apex Predator. They’re above most digital platforms. Not for all cases, you have to look at the specific use case, but I tend to think that’s what’s gonna happen. That’s my new working theory. So, yeah, not only is Netflix and Disney in trouble, I think YouTube and TikTok and some of these other platforms are in big trouble. Now, what are they gonna do? Are they gonna get disrupted? No, they’re smart. What they’re gonna do… is kind of what Neva did. They’re gonna pair a platform service with a generative AI service. So you could see next month, YouTube announcing on-demand, real-time, generated entertainment personalized to you, in addition to the massive library of videos they have. Just like Neva’s pairing search with a generated AI answer. YouTube could do that tomorrow and they could take all of their videos and feed those as inputs Into the generated content for you, so it’ll be something like that. I think that’s probably where it’ll end up unless they’re not fast enough So you know you don’t doesn’t have to be one or the other you can combine all these things Anyways, that is basically the content for today, which is a lot of theory I did I did try and think up a title for this podcast So I put it into chat GPT and I asked them to write me five titles for this article that are sort of catchy and You know provocative They wrote me some good ones. The number the probably the best one is This is revolutionizing entertainment How generative AI is disrupting Hollywood studios and changing the landscape of content creation. That was one of the titles it gave me. Tech companies versus Hollywood. The impact of generative AI on content creation. Not bad. Anyways, they generate a couple. I use it all the time now for all sorts of stuff. It’s crazy. Anyways, that is the content for today. And I guess this all goes under generative AI as a concept in the concept library. As for me, things are going well. Just working away. I always feel good when I’m productive. Like I get kind of moody when I feel like I’m not getting stuff done. Not sure what that’s about. That’s probably a bad sign. But yeah, I finished up my latest book, which is gonna be Motes and Marathons, but sort of a short version for CEOs. you know, quick to read, easy to get through main points. You know, your average CEO just needs to know what to do, doesn’t need to know all the theory, or if they do, but usually they’re too busy for that. So I’ll finish that up a couple of days ago, which was great. And what else? Oh, I started watching the TV show Yellowstone, which I think everyone knew about but me. For some reason, I didn’t know about it. And I just started watching, that’s fantastic. I mean, it’s not like super high quality, but it’s just super entertaining. Like, you know, people are getting shot all over the place. Like, I had no idea so many, there was so much violence in Wyoming. Like every day someone’s gonna kill me. You know, that’s a pretty great TV show. So I always kind of enjoy that when, you know, you find like something that’s really good you’ve never heard of and you’re like, ooh, there are five seasons of this. Now, you know, usually all five aren’t gonna be good, but that’s great. So yeah, that was my, part of my weekend is sitting on the couch watching Yellowstone. Anyways, yeah, it’s been good. Anyways, that’s about it for me. I hope everyone is doing well. I hope everyone’s starting out the new year and enthusiastic about 2023. But that’s it for me. I will talk to you next week. Bye bye.
I write, speak and consult about how to win (and not lose) in digital strategy and transformation.
I am the founder of TechMoat Consulting, a boutique consulting firm that helps retailers, brands, and technology companies exploit digital change to grow faster, innovate better and build digital moats. Get in touch here.
My book series Moats and Marathons is one-of-a-kind framework for building and measuring competitive advantages in digital businesses.
Note: This content (articles, podcasts, website info) is not investment advice. The information and opinions from me and any guests may be incorrect. The numbers and information may be wrong. The views expressed may no longer be relevant or accurate. Investing is risky. Do your own research.