Thanks for subscribing. I generally send out an email a month with the best China-related articles and books I have come across. Hopefully this will be useful to you. Any suggestions for good books is appreciated.
Also, here are the first 2 chapters of my One Hour China book (2017 Edition).
The One Hour China Book (2017 Edition).Chapters 1-2
And below are really my 9 favorite China books (not in order). I tend to read these over and over. Also, my favorite business books are located here.
Thanks again and cheers, – Jeff
#9. Mr. China – by Tim Clissold
This is still a classic. Lots of good cautionary tales. And its star character still lives in Sanli Tun in Beijing, so you see him all the time in that area.
#8. Avoiding the Fall: China’s Economic Restructuring – by Michael Pettis
This is by my Peking University colleague. It is macroeconomics, which is not my area, but lots of important stuff.
#7. The Party: The Secret World of China’s Communist Rulers – by Richard McGregor
This is as good a summary of the political side of China as you will find. Also, out of my expertise but mandatory reading I think.
#6. Red Capitalism: The Fragile Financial Foundation of China’s Extraordinary Rise – by Carl Walter, Fraser Howie
Ok. Now we’re in finance, which is definitely my area. This is just an outstanding deep-dive into the financial and banking sector. A classic and worth reading several times.
#5. The JD Story: An E-Commerce Phenomenon. By Li Zhigang
This is sort of company-approved so I wouldn’t call it independent. But it’s well-written by someone with serious business thinking. And it is a great story.
#4. A Bull in China: Investing Profitably in the World’s Greatest Market – by Jim Rogers
Singapore-based investor and ex-George Soros partner Jim Rogers is just a great guy to listen to. He’s always opinionated and speaks as a practitioner.
#3. The One Hour China Consumer Book.
Ok, This book is by me – and it rapidly faded to obscurity. But it is still the only thing I have ever written that I am really satisfied with.
#2. Asian Godfathers: Money and Power in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia – by Joe Studwell
This is a bit dated now but it is really a great way to think about Hong Kong in particular. Joe is a really good writer.
#1. Factory Girls: From Village to City in a Changing China – by Leslie Chang
This book really opened my eyes to the human side of manufacturing in China. Not a business book.