CRAs Are the Path From Digital Operating Activities to Moats (2 of 2) (Tech Strategy – Podcast 201)

In this episode of the Tech Strategy Podcast, Jeff Towson delves into the world of CRAs (Capabilities, Resources, and Assets). These essential components link operating performance to structural advantages, offering a path from day-to-day activities to competitive moats.
Discover how CRAs can manifest as barriers to entry and competitive advantages. CEOs seeking sustainable growth should identify their moats and strategically build critical CRAs.
Listen now to explore the intersection of operating activities and strategic advantage through CRAs.

3 Factors Will Determine the Future of Verisign Inc. (Tech Strategy – Podcast 191)

In this podcast, Jeffrey Towson discusses the 3 factors that will determine the future of Verisign Inc.’s tech strategy. He provides insights on the future of the tech industry and how Verisign can stay ahead of the curve. Tune in to gain valuable insights on the future of tech!

Baidu’s AI Cloud Is a Flywheel in Industry-Specific Intelligence. (4 of 4) (Tech Strategy – Daily Article)

Baidu’s AI Cloud, a leading provider of cloud and intelligence services, leverages innovation, technology standards, and unique advantages to create an industry-specific intelligence flywheel.

Why WeChat Can’t Be Replicated. And What’s Next for the “Everything App”. (Tech Strategy – Daily Article)

WeChat’s Unrivaled Position: WeChat, the Swiss Army knife of apps, defies imitation. Its ecosystem seamlessly integrates messaging, payments, social networking, and more.
The Elusive Replication: Despite global aspirations, no app has replicated WeChat’s multifaceted success. The “everything app” model remains elusive.
What Lies Ahead: As WeChat’s dominance endures, the tech world anticipates the next wave of super apps. What innovations will shape the future?

Why iQIYI Is the GenAI Innovator to Watch in Video Entertainment (Tech Strategy – Podcast 199)

In the realm of video content creation, generative AI is a game-changer. While Hollywood studios grapple with the disruption, iQIYI stands out. As both a content creation business and a tech company, iQIYI leverages its partnership with Baidu to explore AI-Generated Content (AIGC) technologies. From planning to promotion, they’re advancing every stage of content creation, unleashing creativity and boosting efficiency. Tune in to this podcast to understand why iQIYI is the GenAI innovator to watch in Asia.

Digital Strategy Lesson: CRAs Are the Path From Operating Activities to Competitive Advantage (1 of 2) (Tech Strategy – Podcast 190)

In this episode of the Tech Strategy Podcast, Jeff Towson discusses how CRAs can be used to gain a competitive advantage in the digital age. He explains how CRAs can help companies move from operating activities to competitive advantage. Jeff also provides a comprehensive guide to CRAs and how they can be used to improve your digital strategy.