Porter’s Five Forces and Why You Shouldn’t Be an Influencer / KOL (Tech Strategy – Podcast 220)

In this podcast, digital strategy consultant Jeffrey Towson explores the pitfalls of becoming an influencer through the framework of Porter’s Five Forces. He argues that the competitive pressures and market dynamics make it a challenging and often unsustainable career path. Towson emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive digital transformation strategy to achieve long-term success in the digital age.

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Ruhnn Holding Is a Great Example of Porter’s Five Forces. And of Why You Should Not Try to Be an Influencer. (2 of 2) (Tech Strategy)

In this analysis, digital strategy consultant Jeffrey Towson delves into the limitations being an influencer using Porter’s Five Forces framework. He explains why Ruhnn Holding and aspiring influencers should consider the difficulties of their path, emphasizing the importance of a comprehensive digital transformation strategy. Towson’s expertise provides a nuanced perspective on navigating the digital landscape.

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