This week’s podcast is more about generative Ai as a disruptive technology and business model.
You can listen to this podcast here, which has the slides and graphics mentioned. Also available at iTunes and Google Podcasts.
Here is the link to the TechMoat Consulting.
Here is the link to the China Tech Tour.
Here are some images I created with Midjourney
Related articles:
- The Winners and Losers in ChatGPT (Tech Strategy – Daily Article)
- Why ChatGPT and Generative AI Are a Mortal Threat to Disney, Netflix and Most Hollywood Studios (Tech Strategy – Podcast 150)
From the Concept Library, concepts for this article are:
- Generative AI
- 7 Digital Superpowers
From the Company Library, companies for this article are:
- Midjourney
- Runway
- OpenAI / ChatGPT
Photo by Hermes Rivera on Unsplash
–Transcript Below
Welcome, welcome everybody. My name is Jeff Towson and this is the Tech Strategy Podcast where we analyze the best digital businesses of the US, China and Asia. And the topic for today, Generative AI’s Five Digital Superpowers. So this is yet another podcast slash article on Generative AI, ChatGPT, Mid Journey, all these sea of companies that are on the way. which are stunningly impressive and changing the game. I mean, there’s no question about it at this point. Every business, no, not every business, I keep looking at other types of businesses and thinking, this is gonna impact this too. I mean, this is just widespread disruption and or transformation. So we’ll do a little bit more on that, but we’ll sort of do a, so what, here’s the five takeaways, try and pull it all together. For those of you who are subscribers, I sent you two pretty dense emails in the last week or so about sort of digital strategy for generative AI, which companies it’s going to hit. Everything from Google search to YouTube to TikTok to Hollywood to Netflix. It was a bit dense. I’m still updating my thinking sort of evolving. I think I’m pretty much on target though. I’ve been reading it. over and I think it’s pretty on target at least at this point we’ll see in a couple months but things are changing pretty quick. So anyways that’s going to be the topic for today Generative AI’s five digital superpowers which is sort of a short list of what it’s doing. Let’s see some other stuff. Standard disclaimer, nothing in this podcast or in my writing website is investment advice. The numbers and information from me and any guests may be incorrect. The views and opinions expressed by me may no longer be relevant or accurate. Overall, investing is risky. This is not investment legal or tax advice. Do your own research. And I guess one sort of big announcement first, well, big for me, is we’ve launched a consulting group, a boutique consulting firm called TechMote Consulting. You can go over to TechMoteConsulting.com. And it’s really focused on how businesses, large and small, can exploit digital change to grow faster, innovate better, and build your competitive moat. Hence, tech moat consulting, which is kind of in my, you know, that’s really the center of what I do, which is, look, you’re gonna have to do a thousand, not a thousand. You’re gonna have to have multiple digital initiatives running all the time if you’re a CEO, senior vice president, that sort of thing. That’s all important. But it’s a couple of them that are gonna make all the difference in terms of are you gonna win or are you gonna lose over one to two to three years? That’s strategy consulting. So that’s kind of the goal and that’s what we focus on. So if that’s of interest to you. feel free to go over to techmodeconsulting.com or send me a note on LinkedIn or other ways to reach me. It’s pretty easy, Twitter, LinkedIn, that sort of thing. And yeah, we can have a conversation and see what questions you’re dealing with and go from there. Okay, with that, let’s get into the content for today. Now, as always, a couple concepts to begin with. The main one’s today, big surprise, generative AI, which is not really a concept. It’s more of a, let’s say, a topic. But there’s a lot of thinking there, so we’ll sort of call that out. And then, with seven digital superpowers is sort of the other. That’s not really a concept either, but that’s kind of my little cheat sheet. which I talk about from time to time, which is like all this digital stuff, there’s 40, 50 main concepts, there’s a lot of detail. I’ve written six books sort of taking apart how you build digital moats and things like that. Okay, I recognize that’s a lot of content. And for certain people, they really like it because they’re deep into that subject. But for your average CEO, senior vice president, that’s a lot, it’s too much. So this sort of seven digital superpowers is my cheat sheet. This is the seven things you check when you see a new company or a new technology emerge. How big of a deal is this? If it’s one of these seven, two, three, four of these seven, it’s usually a big deal. And that’s kind of when you got to hit the panic button. Most of the digital giants hit four to five things on this list. I found it to be pretty consistent. Well, Big surprise, Generative AI, ChatGPT, these companies, they hit at least five of the seven. I mean, it is just, yeah, it’s impressive. Now, I’ve given, I’ll cite the podcasts I’ve talked about before. I’m not gonna sort of reiterate the Generative AI thinking, but podcast 150, podcast 152, this is number 154. They all are about generative AI, chat GPT. They go into pretty good depth, but you can definitely see my thinking sort of evolving. If you haven’t played with this stuff, I can’t encourage you enough to do it. It’s absolutely stunning. People kind of know chat GPT now and they play around, write me a poem, write me a rap song, answer this question for me. Everyone’s talking about Bing plus chat GPT, open AI merging up. a direct frontal assault on Google search, which Satya is talking about, the CEO of Microsoft. He’s basically saying he’s going right for search. It’s pretty gangster what he’s been saying in the last week or so. But it’s much more than that, because once you move out of text-based content, this is all generative AI creating content, you start with text, natural language processing, but then you move into say, JPEGs, photos, paintings. That’s Dali, which is also open. AI. Mid Journey is the one I’ve been spending a ton of time on. Creating paintings, creating characters, creating cartoons, creating, I mean, you can create landscapes in the style of Vincent van Gogh. You can create, I don’t know, Batman, photorealistic pictures. of Batman as a ninja. Like anything that comes to mind you can create and it’s truly stunning. I’ll put a couple of the ones I’ve done in the show notes here. They don’t show up in the show notes of iTunes but if you click on the link over to my website you’ll see them. I mean it’s fantastic. I guess I’m an artist now. I can make paintings as good as the vast majority of artists. It takes me an hour. and I have no technical skills whatsoever. I mean, it’s really, then you move from JPEG’s painting, then you move into things like voice. Okay, you can have ChatGPT write the text for a dialogue. I’ve been transcribing my podcast with Autor.ai, I then feed the transcription into ChatGPT and I have it write me a two minute monologue summarizing my main points, which it can do. Well, I can then take that one to two minute. and give it to another generative AI tool and it can speak it in any voice I want. I mean, I can have Jordan Peterson write, speak my monologues if I want. Well, then you’ve got video. I’m sorry, you’ve got photos, you’ve got paintings, you’ve got, you know, whatever. I can then create an avatar. And these are, you’re sort of using stock avatars at this point, but I can have the avatar speak. the dialogue in Jordan Peterson’s voice from the transcribed text of this podcast. That all takes me 15 minutes. And then the next stage is really video. The company that people are paying attention to is Runway. You can sign up for them. Just look for RunwayML.com. It’s still sort of beta testing. You have to sign up. But you can start to feed in videos and have that create a new video from a video. So I mean, it is just… It’s all moving fast, it’s unbelievable. I’ll put some of my examples in there, but I’m just a little amateur playing around. The generative AI tool I’m looking for, if you know what it is, please let me know. I wanna take this body of thinking I’ve been building for, I don’t know, seven years. You know, I’ve got, I don’t know how many, 900 articles on my webpage, I’ve got 154 podcasts. I’ve got a tremendous amount of content. I wanna scan all of that into a generative AI, like a chat GPT API. I wanna feed it in there. So that’s that you can now go to my website and basically type in questions and it will search through everything and give you an answer. So that’s sort of a very focused, specialized, niche language model that is only about all of my sort of work. you know, then that would be the primary interface. You just go to my website and anything you wanna know about anything, type it in and it would scour through and give you my take on it. That’s the API I’m looking for, which OpenAI has said they’re gonna do, well actually it was Microsoft that said they’re gonna do it. Microsoft is gonna offer that for large corporations where you can basically build it into all of your business. I don’t know anyone for sort of WordPress smaller content creators yet. If you know of any way to do that, let me know. I wanna put that like front and center on my website, just a little dialogue box. Anything you wanna know, it’ll pull my answer to any question you want. That’s kind of the next thing. If you know anything how to do that, let me know. I’m hunting around. Okay, that’s a little bit of a repeat of generative AI. You can listen to Podcast 150 and Podcast 152. Okay, with that, let me sort of get into seven digital superpowers. And I’ve talked about this before. Those of you who’ve read my Motes and Marathons books, I updated every now and then my standard analogy is you’re fighting someone, you’re Sony, you’re fighting Samsung, you’re one retailer in Sao Paulo, you’re fighting competing with another retailer. Okay. Back and forth. operating basics, lots of tactical moves, marketing promotions, managing merchandise, things like that. And then one day your competitor has a new ability and it just knocks you out. It’s like you’re fighting someone who just got a superpower. That’s the kind of thing I’m looking for, a digital tool, a digital use case, a digital business model that is just a game changer. And you’ve got to react to this very fast you probably obsolete as an offering. So I look for things that sort of rise to that level and I really got six to seven of them that I keep my eye on. Generative AI doesn’t look like anything terribly new. It looks like five of the existing ones in a new tool in that sense. Okay, so that’s kind of how I think about it. I have a slide that summarizes all seven that I keep my eye on. I update the list from time to time. I’ll put the slide in the show notes. Again, that’s on the webpage. It doesn’t usually show up in the iTunes show notes, but you can click over and find it. Okay, so here’s kind of the seven, and I’ll kind of explain as we go why I think generative AI hits five of them. Okay, so seven digital superpowers. Number one, a dramatically improved user experience. And the language is specific. I’m looking for a user experience, which could be the customer, could be the consumer, could be the content creator, could be a merchant, could be a developer. I mean, there’s lots of different user groups that we can see in a platform business model or a more connected world. I’m looking for something that dramatically improves that experience. It has to be like, oh my God. and you need a sufficient delta of improvement to overcome whatever was being used before. So if it’s a product with sort of an ingrained habit, like, oh, I always go to get my Coca-Cola in the morning. I always get my, if you’ve got an ingrained habit, it has to be powerful enough to overcome that. If there is a certain pain of adoption. you know, oh I’ve got to go sign up for mid journey, I have to create an account. Actually mid journey does not have a user interface. Everything is being done on Reddit. So it clicks you over to it. There’s a bit of a pain of adoption there. But it’s such a good tool that it’s okay. Now you could argue that one of the problems web3 has had, blockchain, Uniswap, all of these companies, is the delta of improvement for most consumers is not sufficient to overcome a very difficult adoption step. Developers like Web3, but there is almost no adoption by consumers. Okay. Now, when you do that, okay, what would be a sufficient, what would cause a dramatic improvement in the user experience? Well, usually making something free is a big part of it. That’s usually part of it. Hey, YouTube. YouTube was a dramatic user experience. Like you have to watch TV, you have to have a cable channel. Suddenly you can watch every video you want. The product is amazing. Oh, and by the way, it’s free and it’s easy to use. And so usually a big drop in price or free is part of it. So examples I’ve given before in various times are, you know, YouTube was great. TikTok took off like a rocket ship. Netflix was pretty good. It was dirt cheap. It wasn’t free, but it was super convenient. let’s see, like bike sharing in China, even though people kind of make fun of it, bike sharing had tremendous adoption early on because it was actually kind of a nice service. It was pretty cheap, a dollar. You could hop on a bike anywhere, ride it around. Now it turns out the profits were not awesome, but from the user experience in somewhere like China where people were all riding bicycles all the time, it was a pretty big step up. So generally you’re looking for something that dramatically improves the user experience such that whatever came before it is pretty much obsolete. And it’s helpful if it’s a more frequently used activity. Okay, chat GPT, I mean, clearly just knocked it. I mean, it has had the, I mean, they went from nothing to a hundred million users in about two months. You know, I don’t think any company has ever done that before. I mean, even the fastest adopted companies like WhatsApp, it took them far longer, like a year, one to two years. I mean, they are the fastest rate of adoption we’ve ever seen. And it’s not a big surprise. One, it’s free for now. It’ll be a freemium model eventually. It’s a truly spectacular product. I mean, there’s no question about it. It’s blowing people’s minds how amazing this thing is. It’s got problems obviously, but hey, it’s only a couple months out. And you can say the same for Mid Journey and Dali. I think Mid Journey is better than Dali. They both generate images and things like that. The voice one is, what I haven’t talked about is these ones that make music where you can create songs. Or maybe you can’t create a pop song that’s really good yet, but you can create background music. You just put in a text prompt. You know, create moody and sweeping background music. in the style of, I don’t know, Mozart. And that’s usually enough. It’ll give you some background music that you can, people are putting this behind videos and stuff. The more sophisticated ones, you can start to create pop songs. It helps if you cite someone who’s famous in the style of, it gives it a little more granularity than just saying something generic. Okay, so I think that’s clear. Mid Journey. Dali, Chad GPT, we’re waiting for Google to release theirs. In China, we’ve seen five players jump into this in China in the last, really, month. Baidu is arguably in the lead because they’ve been focused on AI for quite a few years. But really, the one I’m keeping an eye on is Alibaba. Alibaba has their advanced research institute that’s been doing AI forever. That’s the one I’m watching. They’re supposed to release something in the next month or so. Baidu is supposed to release in, I think they said March. That’s kind of the ones to watch. Other companies that are jumping in, NetEase has announced something. That’s kind of interesting. These other companies like iFlytech, You know, iFlytech is like, people know SenseTime. SenseTime is sort of a computer vision AI company of China that does all those cameras. The one that did natural language processing was iFlytech. So they’ve been in this space entirely for five years, seven years. They’re supposed to do something. Anyways, we’re seeing everybody jumps into it. I don’t think digital superpower number one, no question. This thing is unbelievable. And we’re seeing it in multiple areas. and then you can start to combine them. The music from here, the text from there, the character and design from there, product creation. If you wanna create a pair of sneakers or hats or a fashion line, you can pretty much do it on mid-journey now. A makeup brand, all of it. Okay, I think I’ve sorta hit that one. Digital superpower number two, it creates a digital platform. Obviously platform business models. tend to be more powerful than traditional pipeline businesses models in products and services. Now, I’ve raised the question that I think generative AI as a service is, in many cases, is going to be more powerful than a platform business model. I think something like. Generative AI is a service that can make videos on demand for whatever you want to watch. In many cases, it’s going to be more powerful than say YouTube or TikTok. I think we may be seeing a new business model that’s more powerful than a platform in many cases. I think ChatGPT as a service you can query for information, tell me about the history of James Clark Maxwell. I think that it is a better, as a service, and that’s just a service, is better than say Google search, which just gives you a bunch of links. Now that’s true, however, at its core, not chat GPT, chat GPT is a service, it’s an app that runs on GPT. GPT 3.5, GPT 4 is coming out in a couple months. GPT 4 is an innovation platform. And Dali is an innovation platform and stable diffusion is an innovation platform. This is like iOS and Android. These are innovation platforms that everyone is now building apps that run on them. And ChatGPT is just an app that runs on the platform of GPT. And you’re gonna start, we were already seeing is, there’s just a sea of companies emerging, creating apps that run on this technology, which is really an innovation, and that’s what an innovation platform is. It’s like 2008, nine when the iPhone got released. Well, the operating system iOS, the app store, that was the innovation platform. And everyone started creating apps that go in the app store. This is the same thing. So yes, it’s gonna be disruptive to a lot of platform business models, but at its core GPT is an innovation platform that everyone is gonna be building upon. And this is why being first mover is such a big deal because you know, suddenly you’re the app store, the innovation platform with hundreds of thousands of other apps that run on your system. That’s what we’re seeing. So that’s number two. That’s kind of how I separate it. Digital superpower number three creates a network effect. You know, clearly this has a network effect. The more people that build apps that run on chat GP, I’m sorry, that run on GPT, the better it is for everybody. The more it’s a standardization network effect. It’s like if everyone is speaking French in France, there is a lot of value to learning France as opposed to Japanese. Same thing. If everyone is building apps that run on the innovation platform GPT, that’s the technology you wanna understand. So there’s a standardization network effect playing out. GPT will be a two-sided platform. So that will have a network effect. Now there is another network effect that people talk about that I think they’re getting wrong, which is what people often call a data network effect, which is like, if I have YouTube or let’s say Netflix and more people use my service, consumers use my service, I’m gonna get more data from them. and therefore I’m gonna use that data to improve my product. So therefore my product will be better. So that’s kind of called the data network effect. I don’t really think that’s real. I think that’s just personalization, which everybody has to do. So for the most part, I don’t buy this whole data. And I think it’s also not a direct linkage from more people use my service, therefore I get more data. therefore my product will be better than others. I think that’s a long walk around the block. So I don’t think that’s real. I think that’s just data-driven personalization, which every company has to do now. However, when you look at generative AI, GPT, there is definitely, the technology itself does rely on human feedback to make the service better directly. Right, it’s not a, well, we’re gonna take the feedback and then we’re gonna work in product development with the data we’re getting and make a better type of soda. No, I mean, the tech itself learns from direct feedback. So there is a tighter loop there. However, I don’t, I think that’s true in a lot of cases, but I think it’s more complicated than that. Because look, if you’re just making photos, being 98%… better as opposed to 96%, it’s fine. So I don’t think this link is as tight as people think it is. Anyways, but people do talk about that sort of learning model, and that’s something to keep in mind. I don’t think that’s the network effect to pay attention to. I think the network effect to pay attention to is the innovation platform. I think what we’re seeing with chat GPT and and mid-journey is I think we’re seeing a first mover effect. And I think we’re seeing a standardization network effect. I don’t necessarily buy the other bit. Anyways, okay, that’s a little bit of me waving my hands. That’s something that’s better to explain if I write it out and draw pictures. Not so good for a podcast. Okay, but anyways, we’ve got at least three digital superpower, one, two, and three. Generative AI hits all three clearly. Digital superpower number four, it creates other competitive advantages. Most consumer products, soda, sugar, caffeine, putting pretty girls or pretty men on packaging, you’re sort of, you’re appealing to very crude human wants and needs and psychology. Sugar tastes good, so you just jam a bunch of it in a can and you sell more. True. Software services, data-driven products and services, they are very good at surgically identifying human wants, needs, and psychology, and then just pounding them. I mean, online gambling is so much more addictive than gambling. in a casino. Slot machines are a little different because they’re digital tools now. So the slot machines in a casino, which have been digitized, do tremendous business versus the traditional slot machines. That’s the difference between sort of brute forced targeting of human wants, needs, and psychology versus data-driven software versions, which are unbelievable at this. Okay. Once you move into digital products, there’s all sorts of other competitive advantages you can build on the demand side. People talk about switching costs, so it’s much more subtle than that now. You’re not gonna lock people into a product they can’t change out of because the lease terms are hard. No, it’s much more subtle. Now, it’s human wants, needs, psychology, the best products get you to keep coming back and you don’t know how they’re doing it. It’s not some simple clause in the lease of your storage unit that charges you to break it. No, no, they’re deep in your brain now. Okay. I don’t see a lot of these other competitive advantages, and I’ve given you a whole list of them. 15 different types of competitive advantages. I don’t see a whole lot of these playing out in generative AI yet. So far, it’s mostly about entertainment. and entertainment does not have a lot of power on the demand side. This is why I’m very bearish on Hollywood now because most of their power has been about competitive advantages on the supply side. They have scale advantages in the creation of content. You know, they have big studio lots and they have lots of people with cameras. Well, they don’t have a lot of power on the demand side. And… GPT has just made, well not GPT, Generative AI has just wiped out their scale advantages on the supply side. So I’m pretty bearish on all of that. But generally speaking, Superpower number four, creation of other competitive advantages of which I’ve given you 15. I’ll put the standard graphic in the show notes. I don’t see it yet, but I think we’ll see those play out in the various apps that are built on top of these things. So we’ll keep an eye out for that. I don’t see it yet. All right, a couple more of these are gonna go faster. Digital superpower number five, virality and other powerful consumer acquisition and or retention mechanisms. I’m not totally sure about this one. I don’t see anything viral. You know, it’s not like payment where you have to sign up to get your money so it’s naturally viral. However, one of the powers of content is people engage far more with content than anything else. People watch videos, they share videos, they comment on videos, they take a video and they make a reaction video. They argue in the comments. We don’t see any of that behavior with ride sharing. Creation of content, entertainment, gaming communities, all of that. has some real power on the customer acquisition and retention mechanisms. I’m given this sort of a half point for this generative AI. I think people are really engaging, they’re sharing, they’re making photos, there’s, you know, there’s a lot going on there. I wouldn’t call it virality, but I’m sort of thinking it’s gonna play out here in the near term. So digital superpower number five, does it have a virality or other powerful customer acquisition or retention mechanism? I’m given it a half point. Digital superpower number six, fast and low cost scalability based on digital economics. Can your business become regional or global without much effort? You know, physical products, you can’t do this at all. It takes you years, if not decades, to get your product on store shelves around the world. You’re not based on digital economics. Well. Stable diffusion, all of this stuff. This is all just software. GPT is global. Dali, which was only, you know, Dali is also open AI. That was only released in May. It is everywhere in the world now. Well, except for China, because they’ve blocked GPT and Chad GPT already. Yeah, these things are global at, you know, at rocket speed. So we’re going to see global services here. It’s really quite powerful. So digital superpower six, does it benefit from fast and low cost scalability because ultimately this is made of bits and bytes. Absolutely, generative AI is absolutely. So that’s one, two, three, 4.5 digital superpowers. Thus far, last one, digital superpower number seven, which is composability, building blocks at global scale. This was kind of a web three thing. when you can create open source software and other people can take your software and then build on top of it like Legos. If you can do that at a global scale where you’ve got developers all over the world adding to your code, I mean, that’s a pace of innovation that even companies like Microsoft can’t compete with. They may have 50,000, 100,000 software engineers. If you’re building stuff, in a composable building block way. You basically get millions and millions of people around the world adding to your code, adapting it, adding context, making special use cases. Now the problem with composability, which we see in open source, is there was never really a financing mechanism that worked. If you were going to have all these people adding stuff, they didn’t get paid. Well… Blockchain Web 3 was potentially a way for everyone to get paid by doing that. So that was a little bit more of a question mark. I added this one last year. I think we’re gonna see this, let’s say, 5 with generative AI. I think we’re gonna see people building on other creations like building blocks. I created… I created some sort of superhero characters on Mid Journey. How did I do it? Well, I just I looked for styles of high quality creations that I liked and then I just copied their prompts. So I copied the prompt, I edited a little bit to make it specific to what I wanted. and then I uploaded other photos I liked. So I took other people’s creations, I uploaded them, I added my own prompt, which was also half copied, and that’s how we created the next thing. All of these things add together. I can take someone’s video right now, upload it, and start changing stuff. Now, this is sort of, this is my last point, I’ll finish up here. The two problems I think Generate AI have, number one, it’s hard to know what is true and what is false. Because you can type something into Chat GPT and get a very thorough answer with no sources. And how do we know if that’s true? So discerning what is factual and true and false is a big problem. The other big problem is attribution. Okay, you’ve given me an answer on chat GPT. What were your sources? Now, the new ones like Neva, they’re giving sources, but we’ve already seen artists, Getty images, they’re already suing because they say you are letting people create new photographs and new paintings, but you have scanned in all of our catalog. So you’re using our photos, which we own, as inputs. to train your model, which is a good point. So there’s attribution, which is a problem, and then there’s also intellectual property rights, which is a problem. But in terms of composability, yeah, people are adding these things together. If you come up with a really cool painting in a really unique style, Georgia O’Keeffe, I don’t know, Van Gogh, well, people can now take all your photos, paintings. upload them and anyone else like me who has no artistic skills can come in and say create a photo create a painting for me of This photo I’ve just taken on my camera, but make it in the style of Van Gogh and it can do it Anyways, that’s sort of, we’ll call that.5. So of those, that gets me to five superpowers for generative AI out of the seven. Okay, I think that’s enough theory for today. It’s really kind of going there a little bit. Oh yeah, but the two main concepts, to boil it all up, seven digital superpowers. It’s a nice little cheat sheet. If you have any thoughts on that, please send me a note. There’s not any deep analysis to that. I just, you know. You know, look for companies that I feel like are really having a major change in the dynamics of a business. And those are kind of the seven. I’ve checked this again, sort of what famous venture capitalists like Marc Andreessen and them have said, and I think it pretty much lines up. But I’m always on the lookout for, hey, am I missing something, things like that. So that’s sort of one idea for today. I’ll put the JPEG in the show notes, which has all seven. You can always find this in the concept library of my webpage. And then other idea for today, Generative AI, yet another podcast about Generative AI. Yeah, that’s it for me. As for me, life is strangely content, which is not normal for me. I’m just working away and I’m getting ready to be on the road again and strangely content in life. It’s very, I’m usually more anxious, and I’m usually sort of more like go, go, go, and it’s a little disconcerting to just be sort of deeply content with how things are going. So yeah, I’m not sure what that means, but it’s been a good week, and I think I’m heading back to Brazil shortly. I’m gonna try and swing through the Mediterranean a little bit. I was sort of planning on spending a week, I think, on the Greek islands, so I… When you, it’s weird, like when you fly from Asia to Latin America, you know, far south, there’s not really an easy way to get there. There’s some funky reason by which you can’t fly directly from here to South America. You either have to go through the US and then head south or you go sort of down Africa and then you sort of cut across or you can fly from Europe directly down there. But I’m not sure why the planes don’t go over the Pacific from Asia to sort of far south Latin America, but they don’t really seem to. So I’m going to sort of probably zing through Europe, take a couple days and then head down. That’s probably the plan. Anyways, these are the things I think about. But other than that, yeah, things are going quite well. I don’t have any recommendations in terms of TV shows and whatnot. I would say try mid journey. It’s really… I mean I’ve been spending a tremendous amount of time on it. It’s so much fun. Yeah, it’s great. That’s sort of my recommendation for the week. Okay, that is it for me this week. I hope everyone is doing well and I’ll talk to you next week. Bye bye.
I write, speak and consult about how to win (and not lose) in digital strategy and transformation.
I am the founder of TechMoat Consulting, a boutique consulting firm that helps retailers, brands, and technology companies exploit digital change to grow faster, innovate better and build digital moats. Get in touch here.
My book series Moats and Marathons is one-of-a-kind framework for building and measuring competitive advantages in digital businesses.
Note: This content (articles, podcasts, website info) is not investment advice. The information and opinions from me and any guests may be incorrect. The numbers and information may be wrong. The views expressed may no longer be relevant or accurate. Investing is risky. Do your own research.