Medallia and Whether “Experience Management” Is Viable as Specialty Enterprise (Tech Strategy)

So much of the discussion about enterprise software and services is about the giants who dominate. Think Microsoft, Salesforce, etc. But what about the smaller, specialty plays? Which of the specialty enterprise companies will be viable long-term? That is the question I am interested in. In Podcast 108, I spoke about Tuya, which is a […]

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Tuya IOT and How to Predict the Winners in Specialty Enterprise (Tech Strategy – Podcast 108)

Jeffrey Towson discusses the Chinese smart home company Tuya in this podcast. He shares his five questions for assessing the viability of a specialty ecommerce company and discusses Tuya’s strengths and weaknesses. Tuya is a leading provider of smart home solutions, with over 200,000 customers in over 200 countries. The company has been growing rapidly, but it faces competition from other Chinese companies, as well as from global players like Amazon and Google.

Tuya and Why Hierarchies of Control Matter in Enterprise (Pt 2 of 2)(Asia Tech Strategy – Daily Lesson / Update)

In Part 1, I made a distinction between the development of cloud and enterprise software. There is a sweeping new cloud architecture emerging at the same time almost every B2B enterprise software and service company is trying to become a platform or ecosystem. It’s pretty crazy. For enterprise software and services companies, the price of entry […]

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