Is GenAI Disrupting Salesforce? The Rise of Intelligent CRM? (Tech Strategy – Podcast 215)

In this episode, digital strategy consultant Jeffrey Towson delves into the transformative impact of GenAI on Salesforce and the broader CRM industry. He discusses how intelligent CRM technologies are reshaping digital transformation strategies, offering unprecedented efficiency and insights. Towson highlights the strategic shifts companies must consider to stay competitive in this evolving landscape.

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Two Big Questions About SenseTime and AI Software Business Models (Asia Tech Strategy – Podcast 114)

In this podcast, Jeffrey Towson discusses two big questions about the business models of AI software companies: What are the unit economics of large AI companies? What types of scale advantages and network effects do large AI companies have? He argues that AI software companies are still in the early stages of development, and that the answers to these questions will depend on how the market for AI software evolves in the years to come.